We are Saying Goodbye To Petrol And Hello To Electrics
We believe in leading by example and we’re making big changes to be more sustainable. Recognising the impact that our day to day petrol commuting has on the environment is important, but combatting it is even more important. It’s time for us to say goodbye to petrol and hello to electrics. We’re making the switch to a cleaner, more sustainable form of transportation.
We are Saying Goodbye
We have had a substantial number of enquiries from our domestic and business clients who wish to have their home and business IT systems maintained without the use of fossil fuel for transportation.
We’ve made the decision, and it is now time to switch our London, Brighton & Sussex based on-site IT support car fleet from petrol to electric. Our company is committed to being as sustainable and eco-friendly as possible.
Electric cars will help reduce our carbon footprint and emissions. It’s something that we feel strongly about, and we hope that by making this change, we can inspire other IT support companies to do the same.
We know that there are some challenges that will come along with making the switch to electric cars. But we’re ready to meet those head-on, and we’re confident that we can make this transition successfully.
How our on-site IT support services will be conducted
We want to reassure all of our domestic and business clients that our on-site support services won’t change at all. Our engineers will arrive on time to help you through with your technology issues.
We appreciate your support as we make this important step for our company and for the environment. Thank you for being part of this journey!
Looking for more sustainable on-site IT support or just would like to know more about our transition process? Feel free to contact us today.